Flying Hero Club accepts donations of any amount. Each event requires many expenses, insurance being a high priority, of course. Therefore, we are grateful for any and all contributions. Big or small, every little bit helps create MORE SMILES.

Help Spread More Smiles!

Cancer resonates on a personal level with almost everyone.
For me, my Grandfather died of cancer when I was 13. He was a driving force of the person I would become. My mother died of Leukemia when I was 23. Several members of the stunt community have lost battles with various forms of cancer. Most recently it struck close to home with Trevor Habberstad. At 27, he had already accomplished amazing things, and was just scratching the surface of where he would go. Then he was diagnosed with a rare form of stomach cancer. I still can't believe he is gone. Now, my step mother is having her third round of Chemotherapy. Cancer is scary.
This all started me thinking about the children who are enduring these types treatments every day. They do not deserve the cards they have been dealt! Yet they battle on! Equally affected, are kids with ANY DISABILITY. If I can give them something to look forward to, put a smile on their face if even for a moment, that is my WHY.
What is Your Why to Give?